NMILI Abdelali
Frontend Developer
Full-Stack Developer & Generative AI Engineering: Dashboard Kayros.ai and Kayros.world KAYROS | Paris - France
- Built personalized Chatbots using OpenAI.
- Contributed to UI/UX design.
- Key skills: LangChain.js, OpenAi, NestJS, NextJS App.
Full-Stack Developer: Discord Ticket Dashboard NFTicks | USA - Delaware
- Implemented Ethereum blockchain for security.
- Developed NFTicks Discord bot.
- Contributed to UI/UX design.
- Key skills: Ethereum, Solidity, NestJS, DiscordJS, NextJS 13.
Full-Stack Developer: LinkedIn Candidate Extraction & Management Remskill | USA - Delaware
- Designed, developed, and maintained web app.
- Managed data from LinkedIn.
- Used AG Grid library.
- Technologies: Next.js, MongoDB, ShadCn, Redux Toolkit.
Frontend & Web3 Developer: Real Estate Registration System Research Lab at IT Department: ESTs
- Utilized Node.js, JavaScript, Ethereum, Blockchain.
- Developed secure smart contracts.
- Optimized performance and security.
Full-Stack Developer: Website Redesign and Refactor MainTherm | Morocco - Casablanca
- Employed MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js).
- Enhanced online presence.
JavaScriptTypeScriptNodeNext.jsReact NativeAngularReactExpress.jsNest.jsJavaSpringSocket.ioKafkaRESTGraphQLPostgresRedisSupabaseMongoDBAWSAzureKubernetesDockerTerraform